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Model Rail, Kernow Model Rail Centre and Heljan have joined forces to bring you a ready-to-run ‘OO’ gauge Class 97/6, better known as the ‘PWM’.
Five Ruston & Hornsby 0‑6‑0DEs were ordered by the Western Region for use in replacing 60ft track panels with continuously welded rail. They were designed so that they could be hauled from depots to work sites in permanent way trains where the traction motor would be re-engaged to enable them to shunt wagons. The ‘PWMs’ were never part of the capital stock list and were only ever allocated to Departmental duties. EWS withdrew the final two, 97651 and 97654, in 1998.
Our tooling will only cover PWM651-654 (97651-97654), which were delivered in 1959. The pioneer, PWM650 (97650), built in 1953, had smaller wheels and other differences.
The tooling has been split three ways:
Model Rail offer pristine versions in five liveries, Kernow MRC offer weathered versions of those same liveries and Heljan produce versions in industrial‑inspired colour schemes.
The specification includes a Next18 DCC decoder socket and working interior lights (controlled with a 'wand' device to switch them on /off), working mechanical lubricator arm attached to right hand front wheel crank, separately fitted items such as hand rails, vacuum pipes, screw link couplings, roof mounted horns, air tanks and lubricator box under running plate on both sides.
Work started in August 2019 – Paul and Peter Martin graciously allowed Model Rail and Heljan to measure and photograph their PWM651 at the Swindon & Cricklade Railway.
Project Update 29th March 2023
The models are priced at £169.99 and are now in stock - click below to order.
A pair of decorated samples of our Ruston ‘PWM’ 0-6-0DE arrived in late July, just before we went to press. Rigorous mechanical and electrical testing has already begun, hence why these models are showing a few bumps and scrapes. This project is running in partnership with Kernow MRC and Heljan, with a variety of BR and industrial liveries being offered in both pristine and weathered condition. More information will follow soon but, before then, there are still a few minor tweaks to be made and other livery samples to inspect before production can begin. Keep an eye out for more developments in future issues of Model Rail.
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